2008-2010 President of
Associated Artists of the Inland Empire


Associated Artists' President Karen Werner

President Karen Werner's Statement

About seven years ago I visited an Associated Artists meeting for the first time.  I was immediately impressed by a friendly and welcoming group of like-minded people.  They loved art and wanted to share ideas, techniques and art-related opportunities with one another.  I discovered the group had been in existence since 1964, and many had been members for decades!  I figured this group must be doing something right! 

Membership in Associated Artists gives me learning opportunities and venues to show my work, but most important are the personal connections with other artists.  The friendships are the best!

I encourage you to visit one of our monthly meetings.  Come and enjoy the demonstration, camaraderie and refreshments.  Check out the many benefits of membership. Become as involved as you wish to be.  I think you’ll find that associating with other artists will spur you on in your own creative endeavors.


